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Build Your Abs with These 8 Exercise Routine

Updated: Feb 26, 2019

Summer is just around the corner. Have you started prepping your body to show off at the beach? If you do, then it’s time to start working those abs to pump them to turn some heads when you head to the beach!

In order to show off your abs, you first need to reduce your body fat. If you have been working out for a while, with your diet routine in tact, this shouldn’t be a problem.

If you have not, check out intermittent fasting right away. This would be your best shot to reduce a few pounds in a short period of time.

The 8 Ab Exercise Routine

We are going to work your ab muscles like any other part of the body.

8–12 reps per exercise for 3 sets, with 2 minutes rest between sets.

  1. Hanging Knee Raises (Hold for 2 seconds at the top)

  2. Plank (Hold for 45 to 60 seconds)

  3. Cable Crunches (Hold for 1–2 seconds at the bottom)

  4. Obliques Knee Raise (Do not hold at the top if you feel a cramp coming)

  5. Hip Lift (2 seconds hold at the top)

  6. Ball Jackknife (2 seconds hold at the tuck)

  7. Bicycle Crunches (Hold 2 seconds at the top)

  8. Side Plank (45 to 60 seconds per side)

This should do.

Make sure each rep is performed with the best quality movement. Do not cheat or force any reps.

There are quite a few hanging exercises involved. Your forearms may give up before your abs do. Do not let this happen. Make sure to do these on your non-workout days.

Get yourself an ab strap if needed. It doesn’t cost much and the rewards should speak for itself. Click here to learn more about ab straps and which one would suit your requirement.

Main workout

We hope your main workout is just as good as the ab workout provided above.

Make sure you are performing full body workouts or upper / lower splits with rep ranges focused on strength (5–7) or hypertrophy (8–11 reps) range.

It’s wise to mix them in the same workout in a combo like below:

  1. Barbell Press - 3 sets of 5–7 reps

  2. Incline Barbell Press - 3 sets of 8–11 reps

This would give your chest a wonderful pump with noticeable results in a short period of time.


Now that we’ve covered the following:

  • Structured diet 

  • Strength or hypertrophy based workout

  • Muscle building Ab workout

The entire routine is only successful if you provide your body with a much needed rest, and that is sleep.

No sleep = no results.

Try to get at least 7–9 hours of good night sleep.

Leave a rest day or two between your workouts and watch those abs popping out before you remember to check the mirror!

So let's cover up the entire process of building your abs for the beach.

You have to start focusing more on your diet. Follow intermittent fasting approach if you hate counting calories.

You have to build your abs like your build any other part of your body. Focus on a full-on hypertrophy session on your abs. Do it on non-workout days.

Perform muscle building total body workouts on your main workout days. This will make you look more muscular and appealing at the beach. Let the diet burn your fat.

What's holding you back now? It is called consistency.

Be consistent and results with follow. It's the same with anything.

Hope you enjoyed this article on the top 8 exercises to prepare your abs for the beach. Please share on your social accounts for others to gain this knowledge as well.

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